CAMPBELLTON, NB : With the ongoing housing crisis in New Brunswick, the Restigouche Regional Service Commission has commissioned a housing needs report for the area in anticipation of the current decade.

Economist Mr. Richard Saillant reveals in his report that there are several contributing factors to this housing demand, namely: the retirement of baby boomers, employment growth, mortality, young adults leaving the parental home as well as the influx of new residents coming to establish in the territory for reasons of lifestyle or seeking for more affordable housing.

According to Mr. Saillant,

“Over the past few years, the Restigouche region has welcomed a large number of new residents. For the first time in at least twenty years, the region has seen its population increase. This is good news. However, the region is facing a significant housing shortage and the situation is likely to get worse unless bold action is taken to ramp up residential construction. My report concludes that a total of 205 additional housing units per year will be required to meet housing needs on the territory of the Restigouche Regional Service Commission in the years to come. Residential construction activity, currently at around 30 new units per year, is clearly insufficient. The pace will have to be significantly accelerated to allow the Restigouche region to ensure its prosperity and growth in the years to come.”

Mr. Brad Mann, Chairman of the Restigouche Regional Service Commission, states

‘housing will become a critical element relating to the Commission’s new mandates in both community development and within the workforce growth component of economic development.. We proceeded to a study to identify more precisely what the needs are moving forward. We will now work together to find solutions to encourage and increase the pace of residential housing construction’.